Campus Location & Facilities
City Bus
Bus 255, 267, 304, 557,620, S18, S19, R30 to《東吳大學站-
Soochow University》
Bus B13, 620, 645 to 《外雙溪站-Waishuanghsi》
Taipei Metro
Tamsui-Xindian Line/Xiangshan-Beitou Line:
arrive SHIHLIN Station (Exist 1-Zhongzheng Rd.), and transfer city bus to 《東吳大學站-Soochow University》
Wenshan-Neihu Line:
arrive JIANNAN RD. Station and have the way to Neihu Rd., to transfer city bus 620 to《外雙溪站- Waishuanghsi》

● Library
With the advanced functionality of the latest digital technology, the Soochow University Library offers significant facilities for reading and research. It's based on the Waishuanghsi campus and has a branch on the Downtown campus.
For more details, please visit the LIBRARY website.

● Student Clubs
Soochow University has now nearly 163 student clubs and associations, which show a variety of campus life. They can generally be divided into 6 types: General, Arts, Academic, Athletic, Social Service, and Socializing.

● Ward Memorial Methodist Church
The Chaplain's Office also provides guidance and counseling services for all spiritual needs and pastoral care; also arranges a variety of groups and activities for faculty, staff, and students, including Bible study groups, student fellowships, choir, seminars on theology and faith, workshops on Christian leadership and discipleship.
For more details, please visit CHAPLAIN'S OFFICE website.

● Art Center
Arts Center is located on both Waishuanghsi and Downtown Campuses. It includes an art exhibition hall, the 471-seat Performing Arts Center is used for recitals and concerts, etc. Program guides for the events and exhibitions are updated on the website every month.
For more details, please visit the ART CENTER website.

● Arenas and Gyms
Physical Education Center offers a substance-free environment for students to actively participate in keeping physically fit, learning new skill sets, and reducing stress through reactions on and off campus. Access to all the sports equipment, fields, and gyms on-campus are free for students during the open times.
For more details, please visit the PHYSICAL EDUCATION CENTER website.

● Dining Hall
College Dining Hall and convenience store are located on the main floor and first basement of the Grand Complex. Students can choose from a wide variety of dining experiences in a casual setting that is also the hub of relaxed social interaction on campus.
For more details, please visit the GENERAL AFFAIRS website.
● Wireless Internet
In addition to providing network resources through the Computer Center, both campuses of our school have set up wireless network access points on campus. Within the area marked with this mark , wireless Internet tools that comply with the WI-FI standard, such as laptops, tablets, and smartphones, can be used. Users can authenticate with the account and password provided by the computer center to enjoy unlimited Internet access. For detailed instructions on using the unlimited network, please visit the "Computer Center" section on our school website.
● Emergency Contact Numbers for Campus Security Center:
Washuangxi Campus:
Landline: +886-2-2881-7734
Mobile: +886-910-270-050
Downtown Campus:
Landline: +886-2-2389-0952
Mobile: +886-910-270-060
Official website of Campus Security Center: